学生服务 offices will be closed on Wednesday, September 25 for staff development. 9月26日(星期四)恢复正常工作.


mg电子试玩app, 我们相信培养学生的潜力, 不仅在学术上,而且在整体上. 我们强大的学生支持计划证明了这一承诺. From academic guidance and career counseling to mental health resources and financial aid services, 我们提供广泛的支持举措,以确保每个学生茁壮成长. 体验mg电子试玩app的与众不同,在这里你的成功是我们的首要任务.  



mg电子试玩app的指南针计划按时毕业,没有债务. 专为最近的高中毕业生和佩尔助学金获得者, 我们的项目提供经济援助以支付学费, 费用, 教科书, 运输, 基本需求.



加入指南针,并受益于我们的专业顾问, 职业发展机会, 还有同龄人的支持. 我们的目标是帮助你按时毕业,没有债务,并为一个有回报的职业生涯做好准备.

  • 培养对校园的归属感和归属感.
  • 与同学、教师和工作人员建立关系和网络.
  • Be assigned a dedicated advisor to guide academic progress from entry to graduation.
  • Have opportunities to take classes with fellow 指南针 students to foster community.



三重奏学生支援服务 (SSS) is a federally-funded student success and retention program. Our goal is to support 三人组 students throughout their studies at 圣保罗书院 through individualized services and student engagement so students can complete an Associate’s degree and be prepared to transfer to a 4-year college or university. 


三人组 SSS服务包括:

  • 学术顾问 
  • 财务指导(财政援助、奖学金、金融知识) 
  • 私人教练 
  • 职业及专业探索 
  • 辅导 
  • 使用学习空间/休息室 
  • 工作坊及文化活动 
  • 转学参观四年制学校 
  • 格兰特的机会 


To be eligible for 三人组 SSS you must demonstrate academic need and meet one of the following requirements: 

您还必须是美国公民或永久居民, 我被mg电子试玩app录取, 计划获得学位, 之前没有学位. Preference is given to students 24 years and older pursuing an associate’s degree (AA, AS, AAS). 


  • 应用在这里 
    请注意:该计划的录取不是自动的. 完成的申请将被评估资格和空间的计划. 如果你被录取,我们会联系你,告诉你接下来的步骤. 
  • 参加三人组 SSS迎新会-了解三人组的历史, 我们的节目服务, 和需求. 
  • Meet with your 三人组 SSS Navigator or program Director—after you attend your first advising session, 您将正式成为三人组 SSS的学生,并有资格获得服务! 




第三章是5年期美国国债.S. 部门 of Education grant intended to improve students’ retention by completing their college courses and increasing their financial literacy. 


  • 有学术需求或需要大学预科课程 
  • 没有先前的学位 
  • 计划在mg电子试玩app获得学位 
  • 做一个U.S. 公民或永久居民 

mg电子试玩app的标题III部门包括一个学生成功团队, which provides integrated support to assist students enrolled in pre-college courses. 有助于学业成功的综合服务包括: 

  • 学术顾问/Workshops – Provides feedback on academic progress and serves as part of the students’ journey to success during their first two semesters at 圣保罗书院 
  • Supplemental Instruction – Offers individualized academic support in math, 阅读, and 写作. This academic support is provided by professional tutors in 圣保罗书院’s own Fellows Program. 
  • 取向 – Supplies a robust introduction to 圣保罗书院 that enhances students’ first-semester experience and helps them successfully transition to college. 
  • Financial Literacy – Helps students gain knowledge and skills in responsible borrowing, 财务规划, 和读写能力. 
  • Wrap-Around Support – Connects students to the resources they need to achieve their educational goals. 
  • Bridge Program – Provides eligible students with an opportunity to build and practice math, 阅读, 写作, 和其他学术技能,然后才开始他们的mg电子试玩app课程. 



The Associate 校园 Mentoring Program is a partnership between 圣保罗书院 and the University of Minnesota 汉弗莱的同伴hip Program to engage Fellows and 圣保罗书院 students in cultural exchange. This partnership includes a service learning project and goal setting and helps students build relationships and interact with established professionals from across the globe.  

汉弗莱的同伴 are exceptional ambassadors from their countries who have demonstrated leadership potential and a strong commitment to public service, 无论是在公共场合, 私人, 或者非盈利部门. 



  • Gain practical advice, encouragement, and support from an experienced professional. 
  • 培养你的社交、学术和职业信心. 
  • 了解全球流畅性(接触全球视角). 
  • 确定并设定SMART目标.g., 增加动力, 提高你的时间管理能力, 寻找实习机会, 阅读与学校无关的书籍, 或者参加课外小组/学生组织). 
  • 拓展你的个人和职业关系网. 
  • 提高你的沟通技巧, 增加你在协作和网络方面的经验, 参加一个简历提升项目. 



  • 1小时的学员培训 
  • 1小时——与导师建立共同目标 
  • 与导师进行3次(虚拟)一对一的会议 
  • 与你的导师一起服务学习项目 
  • 1.结束或节目展示/庆祝 


The 四个方向 Summer Pathway to 圣保罗书院 is a culturally responsive program for American Indian students who would like to consider college as an option. 通过战略合作, 我们以“药轮”为项目模式,让学生做好心理准备, 在情感上, 精神上, 身体上,从高中到大学或职业生涯的过渡. 


  • 免费暑期桥牌课程 
  • 带薪实习(你感兴趣的领域) 
  • 美国印第安大学领航员的直接支持 
  • 指导与辅导 
  • 财政援助和奖学金支持 
  • 与知识守护者对话 
  • 运输援助 
  • 遇见志同道合的人 
  • 生涯探索 
  • 财富公正与金融赋权课程 
  • AISES (American Indian Science and Engineering Society) Financial Cents Adventure 

High School 学生 who will be completing 10th, 11th, and 12th grade in the spring of 2024. 

在我们的暑期项目中, students have an opportunity to participate in activities that can aid them along their post-high school journey. 主题包括: 

  • Introducing students to study skill strategies that lead to college academic success 
  • Examining how identity, personal, and cultural influencers connect to life purpose. 
  • 建立一个安全、可信的 & 一群支持性的同伴,以获得一种舒适的归属感. 
  • Evaluating financial aid packages and establishing a student budget during college. 


  • Expand culturally relevant student services to span from high school through college. 
  • 提高美国印第安学生的大学和职业准备. 
  • Provide native language and supplemental academic programming at 圣保罗书院 
  • 提高学生的入学率和保留率. 
  • Contribute to decreasing the achievement gap of American Indian students in Minnesota. 


ILEAD is a dynamic community-building initiative designed to provide comprehensive support and empower BIPOC male students on their educational journey. iLEAD致力于提高保留率, 持久性, 完成率, 最终为成功的事业和丰厚的薪水铺平道路.

Our ILEAD staff and partners understand the unique challenges faced by our students, 我们超越了传统的学术援助. We offer a holistic approach that encompasses a wide range of personalized support services. 从解决基本需求到提供奖学金, 领导力发展, 指导, 群通知, 以及与文化相关的节目, 我们努力满足学生的多样化需求.

The ILEAD acronym represents the core principles that guide our program: Identity, 领导, 卓越, 问责制, 和奉献精神. These five pillars are not just words to us; they are the values our students have chosen to embody and live by every day. 通过这些原则, we foster a strong sense of belonging and empower our students to reach their full potential.

If you are a BIPOC male student seeking a transformative college experience and the opportunity to forge lifelong connections, ILEAD在这里等你. 今天申请,开始你的学术成就变革之旅, 个人成长, 以及职业上的成功.

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